Hello friends in this post i write about Top 10 Free HTML5 & CSS3 Social Sharing Buttons Templates 2016.
You can download best free widget for Blogger Social Sharing Buttons for free.

We start off with some neat social icons from Michael Rossi. This set features a gray color icon set for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo and Behance. Michael has added an easy to remove border that makes the icons look more compact and will be much easier to integrate within designs, but you can always eliminate the border and use the icons as you like — at the footer or header navigation menus, or directly within your content areas.

Next up we have a SASS-animated social icon set from Arthur Camara that features specific tooltips for each icon. For example, whenever someone will hover over one of the icons, they will instantly receive a notification tooltip saying what this icon is about — which you can fully customize to reflect your own ideas and messages, or just leave them as default specifying the social network. Icons are available for GitHub, Email, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The default color scheme is gray background with white icon text.

Chris Deacy brings us a set of stylish social icons that will provide hover background effects for maximum interactivity between the icons and the user. Each set of social icons provides a number of social network specific icons, and in this one we find Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Skype and Dribble. Each time you hover over one of the icons, the background of the icon gets filled up with the most dominant color of each of the social networks. A pretty cool feature that won’t go unnoticed!

A HTML-only social icon set from OstrIO is the perfect solution for webmasters, designers and developers who need a lightweight social media sharing solution for their minimalistic websites, but we also agree that these icons will benefit any scale project out there, so don’t let yourself be limited by the HTML-only concept. This set has four different size sets as well, making it super-easy to integrate in websites of all sizes and forms. The availability of social media icons range from Pinterest to VKontakte, to Facebook and Twitter, and much more.

It’s just so great to see the evolution of the web and specifically the design aspects of languages like CSS3 and HTML5. Here is a beautiful and modern icon set coming from Marius Balaj — this set features the four major social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook) in a beautiful arrangement of colors and boxed layout case for holding the icons within. The hover effect is built to help you mask the default social network sharing widgets with more appealing social icons, but upon hovering over your version of the icons, the user will be able to see direct Like, Share and Tweet buttons with real share counts!

Erik Deiner has built somewhat of a unique concept for promoting yourself on social media through social media widgets. This particular widget is built to feature four different social media networks (which we guess you can easily swap around for your own favorites), and upon hovering over one of the networks you are able to see direct icon buttons to allow others to follow your social media networks. This can be a great widget to use on a blogging site where you wish to use social media promotion widgets in the blogs sidebar.

So many different concepts already, and this one from Marius Balaj (mentioned twice in our roundup already) is no exception. The Social Buttons Slide widget is going to help you share your favorite social media sharing icons with the ability for visitors to hover over the buttons to experience an unfolding animation that will automatically display the number of tweets, likes and shares that your content has received, and of course allow them to share the content forward as well. Marius has done some outstanding work in this field, definitely check him out!

Clément Guillou takes cool CSS3 animations to the next level with his Fancy Flat Animated social icon set. Here we have the leading LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and Facebook social networks icons built in simple square backgrounds, but upon hovering / clicking over each of the icons, a specific animation triggers that turns the icons into a circle rather than the default square, and that in itself can be a really cool addition to an already dynamic and interactive website.

We admit, many of the icon sets on our list already are truly stunning and will provide a great social sharing experience to millions of web users, but what Stan Williams is sharing with us here is truly a one of a kind piece of work, this huge set of CSS3 social buttons and icons is going to revolutionize the way you display your social media information on your websites, apps, projects, blogs, and so forth. From simple Evernote buttons, to more technical buttons like “Read More at Smashing Magazine”, or “Available on the App Store” and such. These kind of icons will really add character to your content and further increase your chances of landing social shares, and apparently sales too!

Mario Vidov is sharing with us a very lightweight social sharing button set that uses HTML5 to provide a very neat feature — basically you get a simple ‘sharing icon’ widget to add to your site, but upon clicking the widget a number of social networking sites expands that can be used for sharing content or for promoting your own social media profiles. Other than the major networks, you can use it to showcase Dropbox and GitHub profiles/content as well.
You can download best free widget for Blogger Social Sharing Buttons for free.
Clean Social Buttons

We start off with some neat social icons from Michael Rossi. This set features a gray color icon set for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo and Behance. Michael has added an easy to remove border that makes the icons look more compact and will be much easier to integrate within designs, but you can always eliminate the border and use the icons as you like — at the footer or header navigation menus, or directly within your content areas.
Social buttons animated with Sass

Next up we have a SASS-animated social icon set from Arthur Camara that features specific tooltips for each icon. For example, whenever someone will hover over one of the icons, they will instantly receive a notification tooltip saying what this icon is about — which you can fully customize to reflect your own ideas and messages, or just leave them as default specifying the social network. Icons are available for GitHub, Email, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The default color scheme is gray background with white icon text.
Stylish Social Buttons

Chris Deacy brings us a set of stylish social icons that will provide hover background effects for maximum interactivity between the icons and the user. Each set of social icons provides a number of social network specific icons, and in this one we find Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Skype and Dribble. Each time you hover over one of the icons, the background of the icon gets filled up with the most dominant color of each of the social networks. A pretty cool feature that won’t go unnoticed!
Social Buttons using HTML only

A HTML-only social icon set from OstrIO is the perfect solution for webmasters, designers and developers who need a lightweight social media sharing solution for their minimalistic websites, but we also agree that these icons will benefit any scale project out there, so don’t let yourself be limited by the HTML-only concept. This set has four different size sets as well, making it super-easy to integrate in websites of all sizes and forms. The availability of social media icons range from Pinterest to VKontakte, to Facebook and Twitter, and much more.
Social buttons with hover

It’s just so great to see the evolution of the web and specifically the design aspects of languages like CSS3 and HTML5. Here is a beautiful and modern icon set coming from Marius Balaj — this set features the four major social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook) in a beautiful arrangement of colors and boxed layout case for holding the icons within. The hover effect is built to help you mask the default social network sharing widgets with more appealing social icons, but upon hovering over your version of the icons, the user will be able to see direct Like, Share and Tweet buttons with real share counts!
Social button concept by Erik Deiner

Erik Deiner has built somewhat of a unique concept for promoting yourself on social media through social media widgets. This particular widget is built to feature four different social media networks (which we guess you can easily swap around for your own favorites), and upon hovering over one of the networks you are able to see direct icon buttons to allow others to follow your social media networks. This can be a great widget to use on a blogging site where you wish to use social media promotion widgets in the blogs sidebar.
Social Buttons Slide

So many different concepts already, and this one from Marius Balaj (mentioned twice in our roundup already) is no exception. The Social Buttons Slide widget is going to help you share your favorite social media sharing icons with the ability for visitors to hover over the buttons to experience an unfolding animation that will automatically display the number of tweets, likes and shares that your content has received, and of course allow them to share the content forward as well. Marius has done some outstanding work in this field, definitely check him out!
Fancy Flat Social Button Animation

Clément Guillou takes cool CSS3 animations to the next level with his Fancy Flat Animated social icon set. Here we have the leading LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and Facebook social networks icons built in simple square backgrounds, but upon hovering / clicking over each of the icons, a specific animation triggers that turns the icons into a circle rather than the default square, and that in itself can be a really cool addition to an already dynamic and interactive website.
CSS social buttons and icons

We admit, many of the icon sets on our list already are truly stunning and will provide a great social sharing experience to millions of web users, but what Stan Williams is sharing with us here is truly a one of a kind piece of work, this huge set of CSS3 social buttons and icons is going to revolutionize the way you display your social media information on your websites, apps, projects, blogs, and so forth. From simple Evernote buttons, to more technical buttons like “Read More at Smashing Magazine”, or “Available on the App Store” and such. These kind of icons will really add character to your content and further increase your chances of landing social shares, and apparently sales too!
Share Social Buttons

Mario Vidov is sharing with us a very lightweight social sharing button set that uses HTML5 to provide a very neat feature — basically you get a simple ‘sharing icon’ widget to add to your site, but upon clicking the widget a number of social networking sites expands that can be used for sharing content or for promoting your own social media profiles. Other than the major networks, you can use it to showcase Dropbox and GitHub profiles/content as well.